We Are Serious
About Your Business
The Boar Group are leaders in service, maintenance, installation, design and commissioning of essential service solutions for all types of commercial applications.
Our in house solutions and team of experts specialise in Fire Systems, HVAC and Training solutions and are recognised as industry leaders within these fields. We offer our clients the rare opportunity to have your buildings all-encompassing essential services maintained under the one contract ensuring your most important life safety systems operate as originally intended. This integration of our specialised teams working together provide unique reporting access and asset life cycle analysis to our clients.
With a goal to Maximise Compliance and Minimise Risk for our clients we help your reduce costs through holistic and meticulous whole of life essential asset management, combined with best practise, cost effective and sustainable solutions. We work with you in partnership to mitigate risk while still meeting your KPI's.
We are passionate about life safety and our people so please engage one of the "Boar Group" of companies to help protect your most important assets today.
Fire Protection Services
Fire Boar specialises in a full range of fire services from design, installation, commissioning, maintenance and testing of fire protection systems in accordance with the relevant Australian legislation and building codes.
Fire Boar offers comprehensive solutions for all facets of fire protection including a large construction division. Established in 2008, Australian company utilises its vast experience, innovation and technology to deliver personal service and flexible solutions to its customers. Fire Boar is passionate about Australian Standards and is the ideal industry partner.
Fire Boar has a long term unrivalled reputation for delivering quality and reliable service and building long term partnerships with our clients.
Our objective is protecting people, property and assets.

Training Solutions
Effective planning and emergency response training saves lives and we can help you reduce your risk of tragedy in the workplace.
Training Boar offers a wide range of specialist training options from our self paced online platform to face to face site specific practical training. Offering a full suite of "Fire Training" options as well as other training requirements including 'Face Fit Testing", "CPR" and "LVR" training.
All of Training Boar’s training suite is designed to ensure your property is fully compliant with the relative Australian Standards. Maximise your compliance and minimise your risk by contacting Training Boar today.
HVAC & Mechanical Services
Air Boar's Heating, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning (HVAC) company offers the ability to carry out full system testing and compliance in accordance with the relevant Australian legislation and building codes under one contract.
Building on the back of an enviable reputation in fire system servicing and testing the HVAC element compliments this by providing the complete package of whole of building testing into a streamlined system of scheduling visits and reporting.
Specialising in service, maintenance, installation and design Air Boar is committed to providing the highest standards to ensure that building system continue to function and meet the performance requirements of the original design. Air Boar's unique reporting system ensures full traceability of all assets to assist with life cycle analysis and to enable you to meet your KPI's and assist with budgetary planning.